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© Alexandra McInturf

SHARKS | Colm Doesn't Cille


Scoil Chomcille, Glengad



Colm Doesn't Cille was a 4m shark with distinctive vertical white scarring lines on the port (left) side of the dorsal fin. Its size suggests that this shark was a juvenile. It was tagged in the early morning calm south of Lenan Head, which is well within the mouth of Lough Swilly. It did not surface again following tagging. 


Colm doesn't Cille fin picture

©  E. Johnston 2012


‘Colm Doesn’t Cille’ is a reference to Colmcille, a famous Donegal monk who brought Christianity to Scotland. Like some of our tagged basking sharks, he travelled north from Inishowen’s shores to the western isles of Scotland. It is a most suitable name for the Glengad shark because on clear days, Scotland (specifically Islay, Colonsay and the Paps of Jura) is visible from the windows and front doors of this coastal community, including the local community school.


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All photographs featured on this website are owned/presented with permission by the Irish Basking Shark Group.

Site designed by Abby McInturf

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