Colm doesn’t Cille the Glengad named shark from the IDP funded Monster Munch project has reported its position on August 20thoff the coast of Co. Clare.
The juvenile 4m long shark with distinctive vertical white scared lines on its dorsal fin was tagged early in the morning of August 8th just South of Lenan head in the Mouth of Lough Swilly. Its current position west of Loop head and the mouth of the Shannon is approx. 250 miles from where it was originally tagged 12 days ago in Inishowen waters.
The satellite tags which have been attached to five sharks adopted by coastal communities on Inishowen have proven sluggish to report their positions. This movement record and live feed is welcome news with luck other sharks will also report their positions on a regular basis in the coming days and weeks.
Check the Shark Tracker for more information and latest positions