Natural History Museum Gallery Talk 12:00 noon, February 26th
Emmett Johnston of the Irish Basking Shark Project will give a Gallery Talk in the Natural History Museum in Dublin on the 26th of February 2012. The talk is titled "The Basking Shark, Oceanic Citizen". Discover how Irish scientists are conducting pioneering research on the elusive shark that carries no passport and respects no boundaries. Gallery talks are informal in nature and usually given beside the species specimen in the museum. The main focus of the talk will be on the use of telemetry tags to enhance our ability to investigate the species lifecycle and thus increase our understanding of the sharks population status. Some tagging methods will be demonstrated with examples shown and a discussion of current work being undertaken by the Irish based group will follow. For anyone interested in the species marine based telemetry or just Irelands natural heritage this is a good opportunity to find out about the type of scientific study being undertaken around Irelands magnificent coast. For more info see