The North west basking shark project took delivery of a newly acquired RIB for the carrying out of tagging and surveying works. The vessel is a 1998 Redbay, Stormforce 7.4m RIB, which will provide a safe and stable platform for the wide variety of tasks, demanded of basking shark survey craft. The craft has an inboard Yamaha 165hp diesel stern-drive with full width engine box. This raised area provides a viewing platform for survey transects and shark spotting. A four pod seating arrangement is provided with ample bow space and working area.
Her sponsons are navy blue with red heavy duty patching and Her call-sign is 'Seashell'. She listens/ monitors on all frequently utilised VHF channels within the northern area, including 16,6,8,85,67 and 23. Many thanks to all at Crana Engineering, particularly George and Alan O'Hagan and Danny Mcfadden for assistance with preparation and repairs prior to launching.